9 signs you’re dating the man you should marry
In a relationship but not sure he's 'The One'? These signs will make things clear...

It's not secret that finding your life partner isn't as easy as they make it seem in '90s romcoms. In fact, in a world of dating apps and the good old-fashioned millennial tendency to avoid serious commitment at all costs, it can feel quite impossible to figure who you should be walking down the aisle to - even if you're in a relationship.
Luckily, these nine simple signs are here to help. All you have to do is go through the list and identify how many of the traits you see in your current partner, if he ticks them all then he might just be 'The One.'
1. He’s your best friend, too
Obviously no man will take the place of your girl gang, or your primary school BFF for that matter. But if he’s the first person you want to share some exciting news with, and he’s the one you want to run that big decision by, you’re probably on the right track.
2. He does things just to make you happy
All good relationships are based on compromise. If he’s making sacrifices for your happiness, and you’re returning the favor (because it’s all about equality, ladies) then he’s definitely a keeper.
3. You’ve let him see the very worst version of yourself
Whether you’re throwing up with the mother of all hangovers and have mascara running down your face, or you’re simply having a freak-out moment, he’s there to comfort you, judgement-free.
4. You’ve worked out a way of dealing with problems that works for both of you
Some people like to talk things through calmly, others need a good cooling-off period before communicating. If you understand each other’s needs, and you complement each other in this area too, you’re pretty much meant to be.
5. He’s your biggest fan
He’s proud of you, and isn’t afraid to show it. A life-long relationship is all about building each other up, not tearing each other down.
6. He makes effort with the people in your life
Whether it’s your best friend or your family, he’ll want to take the time to get to know them and make a good impression.
7. He listens to you
Feeling heard is one of the most important things in a relationship, so if he’s a good listener and really takes in all the thoughts, feelings and ideas you express to him, he’s definitely a keeper.
8. He’ll compliment you
Probably when you least expect it. Like on a Sunday, when you’re wearing his hoodie and have your hair in a messy bun.
9. You both have separate interests
And you allow yourselves the space to explore them separately. But at the end of the day, you want to hear about each other’s experiences. A healthy relationship includes giving one another space to be yourselves and enjoying your interests both in and outside the relationship.
Sagal is a journalist, specialising in lifestyle, pop culture, fashion and beauty. She has written for a number of publications including Vogue, Glamour, Stylist, Evening Standard, Bustle, You Magazine, Dazed and Wonderland to name a few.