June 2021 horoscope: what's in store for your zodiac sign?
Your June 2021 horoscope is here—and it's going to be an interesting month...

Wondering what your June 2021 horoscope has in store for you? May was one of the most intense months of 2021, and the month ahead will be about reviewing and reassessing, due to Mercury in retrograde in Gemini during most of the month. Luckily, Venus will also be swimming the deep waters of Cancer, a transit that will gift us the opportunity to nurture ourselves and spend time with our favorite people.
The overall vibe does get intense as soon as June 5th arrives as many planets will be clashing in the sky. Confusion and power struggles will reign, so lay low around this time, and don’t believe everything you hear. On June 10th, the new moon solar eclipse rises in the sky, bringing a double dose of intellectual stimulation with it. Solar Eclipses open doors, meaning that a seed will be planted around this time. But because Mercury retrograde is highly affecting this lunation, things will take longer to manifest.
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Around midmonth, an important planetary event arrives, the second clash between Saturn and Uranus. This is the defining aspect of 2021, bringing a push-and-pull energy that is destroying our old structures with the finality of upgrading our world. Watch what happens around this time, and trust this natural process of change within your life.
The next big season arrives on June 20th, as the Sun enters Cancer—and suddenly the energetic wave changes completely. Tired from such an active Gemini season and eclipse season, we will be so grateful for this much more mellow change of pace. It’s also the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, heralding a time to let go of doubts and fears and step into the sunlight. Mercury will also be ending its retrograde during this time (June 22nd), slowly getting all communication-related topics back to normal.
Lastly, June’s full moon illuminates the sky on June 24th, bringing endings in ambitious projects and career-related matters. Time to figure out how to get a promotion at work...
June 2021 horoscope
Mercury’s retrograde journey is happening in your third house of communication, which could bring mishappens and misunderstandings in your exchanges. However, this is also a great opportunity to explore the different ways in which you could upgrade the way you express yourself. If speed and impulsivity come to mind, this is the perfect time to embrace slowing your roll. This month’s full moon falls in your house of career and public visibility, making the last few days of the month ideal to give a presentation or launch that important project you’ve been working on.
For you, Taurus, the most important aspect of the month is the June 14th Saturn-Uranus square. Think back to February: What began changing in your life then? In a way, something is preventing you from focusing on what really resonates with you. And the truth is that, sooner or later, you will be liberated from this obstacle so you can blossom in your full splendor. There’s no need to make any rushed or impulsive changes right now, but being aware is key as a way to prepare for the third and last of these clashes, which happens at the end of 2021!
Happy birthday, Gemini! Your sign has been under heavy cosmic influence—and in June, all the change that has been happening in your life could begin to make so much more sense. The signs are everywhere, so pay attention to the June 10th Solar Eclipse, which is your opportunity to plant the seed of something new that is close to your heart. As Mercury’s retrograde happens in your sign, this is a month of deep introspection for you. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to dig deep into your soul when the universe is trying to get your attention.
Your lucky stars are certainly shinning blighty, dear Cancer. Sweet Venus will be in your sign from June 2nd to June 27th, bringing attention and all sorts of goodies your way. This is a great opportunity to pamper yourself and focus on dating if you’re single and looking, or spending more time with your darling if you’re taken. Mars finally leaves your sign on June 11th, mellowing the energy quite considerably. The bright Sun will also enter your sign on June 20th, putting the spotlight on you. What will you do with so much stellar energy on your side?
So far, 2021 has been a year of learnings for you, courtesy of Saturn in Aquarius. But with the taskmaster planet now retrograde, you’re getting a much-needed authority break. Things get even sweeter once Mars enters your sign on June 11th. Since the red planet is quite comfortable in your sign’s fiery territory, expect to feel a huge surge of energy around this time. Use it to your advantage by fine-tuning your workout schedule, going after the objects of your desires, or going after a precious goal once Mercury is direct at the end of the month.
Since your planetary ruler, Mercury, will be retrograde, your focus this month will be about reviewing the many processes you rely on in your career. June is not a good month to launch new projects or make big changes, it’s all about analyzing and reassessing—which is one of your favorite things to do! This month’s Solar Eclipse in air sign pal Gemini also highlights this area of your life, so do expect to get a glimpse at the new projects and opportunities that could materialize for you in the next few months. Big things are on the horizon!
Libra, June is an exciting month that will challenge you mentally—just how you like it. Both, Mercury retrograde and the June 10th solar eclipse will team up in your ninth house of ideals and philosophy of life. There is a sense of rebirth here, and you might even trade some of your deepest-seated beliefs to adopt new ones that are more in line with who you are becoming. Once the Sun enters Cancer, the focus shifts into your career sector. July will be a time to assert yourself in this field, so spend the last week of June formulating your amazing master plan!
June is going to be a month that might present a few challenges. It’s nothing to be worried about—more than anything, it’s to create awareness around your actions. On June 14th, the Leo Moon will activate the Saturn-Uranus square, creating a fixed grand cross that will affect your sign. This intense configuration will expose the ways in which you might be feeling stuck, maybe even forcing you to consider making a change or a big move. What’s is preventing you from reaching your full potential? Deep inside, you know the answer to this probing question, dear Scorpio.
May was a huge month for you, Sag, and June brings new energy to the area of your life that went through so much change. This month’s new moon solar eclipse will open a new door for you in the realm of relationships. However, don’t expect things to manifest immediately, as this door is quite special and might take a little while to fully open. Also, remember that things will be confusing due to Neptune’s fog. Keeping your wits about you and staying grounded will ensure you’re reading the right signs—and not the ones you would like to see.
June might be a tricky month for some zodiac signs, but it’s a sweet month for you, Capricorn. Sure, Mercury will be retrograde—but who cares that projects won’t be moving as fast at work when all these cuties are hitting you up? You can thank Venus in Cancer, who will be activating your relationship sector by bringing you opportunities for love, pleasure, and enjoyment. Don’t waste this energy, as it only comes around once a year. Lastly, do expect some surprises around midmonth, when your ruler Saturn runes into a clash with wild child and exciting Uranus.
Get ready for an exciting month, Aquarius. With you two rulers, Saturn and Uranus, clashing in the sky, a part of yourself is due for a revamp. As a fixed sign who doesn’t like change, you might be resisting—and that’s okay. The story is not over yet, as these two planets still have one more faceoff on the books for the end of the year. However, the clock is ticking, and you know, deep inside, what’s to come. Dear Water-Bearer, do remember that this is YOUR year, and it’s only a matter of time until you fully flourish.
Are you ready for some sparkle, Pisces? Oh… yes, you are. With Jupiter in your sign now, you are expanding, believing—and most importantly, trusting—in your path. Venus in water sign pal Cancer will overlap with Jupiter’s energy, before the mighty giant goes retrograde in your sign on June 20th. Those first twenty days of June are glorious for you—yes, even with Mercury retrograde putting a damper on your communication at home. Instead of allowing guilt trips to ruin your high, focus on the positive during a month that has so many gifts in store for you.
Athena Antares is a traveling writer, astrologer, and mystic who believes in adding a touch of magic to everyday life. She has written horoscopes for numerous lifestyle publications and has dived deeply into astrological magic and manifestation spell work. In her spare time, Athena enjoys exploring new places, spending time in nature, and reading charts for her worldly clientele.

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