Your weekly horoscope is here: May 9 - May 15
Your weekly horoscope is here and two huge astrological events will be affecting our lives...

Narayana Montúfar
Welcome to your weekly horoscope! An incredibly busy week is in store, when moments of stillness will help us integrate the energetic shifts. On Tuesday (May 10) the second of four 2022 Mercury retrogrades begins, heralding a time of deep introspection (which actually already started during Mercury retroshade). This retrograde begins in Gemini, an intellectual air sign that rules communication, media, and social interactions. The planet of thought will be activating asteroid Juno, initiating a process of revisiting some of our closest commitments.
The same day, Jupiter enters Aries, heralding a new phase of growth. For the next two months, we attract more luck and abundance when we chase our goals with courage and ambition. Self-knowledge and self-improvement take center stage now, as this planet-sign combination instigates us to focus our energy on bettering ourselves.
On May 15, we welcome the second eclipse of the year, which will bring karmic endings to our lives. Saturn, the teacher planet of time, will be activating this full moon lunar eclipse, heralding a moment of crisis that will have us choose between two different paths. This is definitely the time to do “the right thing,” as the decisions we make now will have long-term consequences. On a more holistic note, this powerful event comes with the energy of three full moons in one, marking this a fabulous time to leave behind any toxic habits, people, or situations. We did warn you it would be one of the most potent months of the year in our May 2022 horoscope...
Weekly horoscope: what does this week have in store for you?
This is a week to begin your process of reinvention, Aries. The full moon lunar eclipse creates the perfect terrain for you to end any outdated habits or people that are holding back your full expression. Having Venus and Jupiter in your sign means that a new version of you is starting to brew under the surface. Spend some time this week creating a vision board of your future! How do you see yourself in 2023—and most importantly, in the next twelve years of your life?
It’s a week of huge lessons for your sign! The full moon eclipse falls in your relationship sector, ending the connections (social, romantic, or business) that no longer support your evolution. Let them go, dear Taurus, and allow yourself to move into the future—it has enormous gifts for you. In this process of acceptance, Mercury’s retrograde is very helpful and supports you in revisiting your values and the give and take that now take place in your life.
For you, Gemini, a lot is happening behind the scenes with the eclipse activating your twelfth house of secrets and subconscious mind. The signs you receive in dreams and in your daily life hold crucial information. Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, heralding a period of deep introspection (this is what the meaning of Mercury retrograde is all about, after all). The next ten days are an incredible time to begin the process of revamping and refreshing your image and denote how you want the world to see you.
If you’ve been floating in a “situationship”, it could end under this week’s powerful lunar eclipse. Your friendship groups will grow in the next few months, so there really is nothing to fear, as you will soon meet new and more exciting people. On a more serious note, Jupiter enters your sector of work and public reputation, initiating a two-month period of growth in your career. Life is about to get exciting, dear Cancer!
You might need to make a tough decision this week, Leo, as the universe will push you to align with a situation that will eventually benefit your career. What’s important is to not get stuck in analysis paralysis, allowing yourself to flow with the cosmic forces at play. Mercury’s retrograde activates your sector of community, bringing you the chance to weigh which are the social groups that truly deserve your time and energy. It might show you who your real friends are.
Mercury retrogrades in your sector of career, so prepare for some projects to stall or be postponed. Even if it doesn’t seem like it at first, these delays are blessings in disguise, as you will find out once mid-June arrives. If a media or writing project or contract ends towards the end of the week, which is when the full moon lunar eclipse happens in your sector of communication, it means it wasn’t aligned with your path.
This full moon lunar eclipse might bring a crisis to your belief system, and it really is another step in a long process of abandoning personal values that have become outdated. In better news, Jupiter enters your sector of relationships, kickstarting a period of growth within your most important bonds. If you are single and looking, you could meet someone special within the next few months. If you are partnered, a deeper connection could be the result.
The full moon lunar eclipse is happening in your sign, Scorpio, challenging you to make a difficult decision or give up something that you’re attached to. This is a very special moment along your 2022 journey of transformation, when letting go is crucial for your evolution. See this as an extraordinary opportunity to show what your spirit is made of—which is pure, raw gold! Because teacher planet Saturn is involved, it might take time for you to make sense of the situation, but this test will make you so much stronger.
You are crossing an important portal as your ruler, Jupiter, enters the sector of your chart that rules fun, romance, and play. See the energy of the next four months as a call from the universe to enjoy life in its full splendor. On another note, Mercury retrogrades in your relationship sector, uncovering the need to make adjustments to the way you handle communication with your partner or an important bond.
Change is coming to your community under this week’s powerful eclipse, Capricorn. A lover, friend, or group you have belonged to could no longer feel aligned with your interests or who you are becoming—and that’s okay! When Mercury retrogrades on Tuesday, it’s time to revamp your daily routine so it functions better for you. With lovely Venus currently activating your home sector, this includes spending more time practicing self-care and doing more of the things you love with your favorite people.
This week’s eclipse activates the energy of stern Saturn in your sign, which could feel like the universe is against you, but it’s not, Aquarius! You might be called to loosen up your position or reach a compromise in a key situation. The trick also lies in knowing when to ask for help, and that time is now. Someone who cares about you is waiting for the right moment to give you a hand—all you need to do is ask.
Tuesday is a big day as magnanimous Jupiter leaves your sign to enter your sector of money and material possession. This is your lucky star for money, which could also translate into a raise or a windfall at some point in the next few months. On the same day, Mercury initiates its retrograde in your sector of home, bringing an opportunity to rethink your relationship with a family member, a roommate, or your partner.

Athena Antares is a traveling writer, astrologer, and mystic who believes in adding a touch of magic to everyday life. She has written horoscopes for numerous lifestyle publications and has dived deeply into astrological magic and manifestation spell work. In her spare time, Athena enjoys exploring new places, spending time in nature, and reading charts for her worldly clientele.
- Narayana MontúfarAstrologer
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